Friday, February 25, 2011

Babies, babies

2009, February 4, Wednesday

Life is a miracle and even more a blessing when you get to be a part of that new life. It has been informed that my sis is expecting ( I am so crossing my fingers that she would be having a bouncing baby girl). I so need a niece that I can spoil. Actually, I already have three from my hubby's side. But you know things are different when they are on your side. You find it easier to spoil them.

We talked about pink, pink and pink. Yes, my sister's favourite colour when she was little. I still recall how she would deliberately leave her pink coloured pencil under her bed when she went to school, for fear that someone would borrow it. The things we did as children.

Following her pregnancy is good for us. We get to understand each other better. So much of misunderstanding for us to dissolve from our childhood. At least now, my sis can see that I was not such a cranky %#+@ my mum paints me out to be.

There is so much to share about motherhood and childbearing. Things I wish I knew and did then. Well at least she can avoid a lot of mistakes that I made due to ignorance. Strangely, however, we seem to have a face off going on. (he..he..he..) she has begun dressing up like me (shabby me) and I am trying to revamp my closet. She is eating lots and lots, and I just can't seem to eat very much. Very interesting... Will talk more about her journey with child when I have the time.


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