Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hart-a-logue: a dialogue from my heart

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Its 6am, Thursday, August 19, 2010. Immanuel has just left for school. It's the first day of the PSLE Oral today. He sits for his Mother Tongue paper today. As I send him off, I can't help but to think about the time I did mine. I recalled being extremely anxious.

I hope that I had put him at ease this morning, as I gave him his prep talk. I never wants anything for him that he doesn't want. I pray and cover all the bases, gave him the prep talk, and now it's time to rest and wait.

I hope that in the future, he will look back and recall these moments we shared, as he breakthrough the stigma of the PSLE syndrome. It pretty bad I must say, the amount of stress parents and teachers place on primary school kids nowadays.

The excuse I have heard goes like this, "You have to push yourself, because after this you can rest and take a break/" Honestly! Seriously! That is such a load of crap!

I spoke to the Hubs about this, we realize that it is stressful and that its only the beginning of a lot of things. Thankfully, we are on the same page on this one. I mean, lets say for example, he sits the paper. Okay, then what happens? People will start asking him, so what school have you chosen, etc. Then comes the results, the application of the new school, the books, the new environment, new friends, new teachers, new cultures, and the list goes on. With the introduction of nine subjects and the entrance of hormonal changes that comes with being a teenager, can one catch a break?

I know that good results equals to getting into a good school, but at the end of the day does that equal to success? I know of many people who didn't do so well in school but they are doing well in life, and vice versa. Personally, I believe that with God's favour one can be positioned to be at the right place at the right time. With that thought in mind, to resume my rest, before I start the day.


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