Saturday, March 5, 2011

a good day

Friday, August 20, 2010

Today, started off as Immanuel went on his way to sit for his PSLE English Oral. It was pretty interesting though, when I received a call from Immanuel at about 7am, stating that he had left too early for the exam. The first day, he had to be there early, but for today, he only needed to be there are 9am. Now he was two hours earlier. I gave him some options, and asked of him to decided. To my surprise he had called my mum, who lives a couple of bus stops away from the school. He informed her of the situation at hand and made arrangements to bum there, for the time being.

I was rather pleased to see that he had good problem solving skills. He had made all the arrangements and just called me for an update. All was well and he went to school on time for the oral. According to him, it was a breeze, and that scares me. Each time he feels over confident, me hardly scores well. But it's over and there is no point sweating over it. We were suppose to have some friends over today (long overdue). Cavin, Cason and Veena met up with Immanuel after school to follow him over to our place.
Chicken Temptation

They came with the drizzle, thus the boys could not play football (a bummer). Nevertheless, the boys found a way to occupy themselves. Tyke was please to have visitors too. It was a little into lunch time, when we decided that we would go out for some pizza. Dominos was near by and we loved the pizza there. The boys walked ahead before us and decided that they wanted to sit by themselves. It wasn't cool to be spotted having lunch with mummy and aunty, I get it. So we gave them their space. Wow, they grow up fast.

Garlic and Cheese Onion Rings

Lunch was on me, and I was hoping that they would enjoy the pizza. Apparently, they enjoyed the Hawaiian, chicken wings and the onion rings, but only Immanuel and I enjoyed the white cream based pizza (heaven in your mouth).

We made our way back after lunch to relax over some Java. The main purpose for the meeting today, was actually to discuss some business plans, while the boys played. All went well, but she had to rush off for a dinner tonight. We decided to reconvene again next week.

It was a great day, with cool weather, hot pizza and the company of warm friends.


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